When will I get access to the library workshop?


Once you sign up for a library workshop in myGCC, you will be contacted using your GCC student email address immediately with a confirmation email for that workshop.

Workshop Information and Timeline

Workshop Features For Canvas Workshops For Zoom Workshops In Person Workshops
Registration Process Sign up using myGCC for email invite to Canvas course. Sign up using myGCC for email invite with Zoom link.  Sign up using myGCC for email invite to in person classroom location. 
Email Notification for Workshop You will receive an email in your GCC inbox immediately on sign up AND 1 HOUR BEFORE THE WORKSHOP ON THE DAY OF the workshop. You will receive an email in your GCC inbox immediately on sign up AND 1 HOUR BEFORE THE WORKSHOP ON THE DAY OF the workshop. You will receive an email in your GCC inbox immediately on sign up AND 1 HOUR BEFORE THE WORKSHOP ON THE DAY OF the workshop
Length of Workshop 1 week (7 days) to complete at your own pace in Canvas beginning on start date. 1 hour to complete synchronously online using Zoom on start date. 1 hour to complete in person in Library Classroom 313 or other campus location 
Workshop Activities and Content You will complete content in 1 hour at your own pace in Canvas. You will complete content in 1 hour during Zoom workshop You will participate in class activities and engage with content during an in-person workshop 
Workshop Reporting Completion in myGCC/Getting Class Credit Expect to see completion in myGCC 2-3 days AFTER the workshop end date Expect to see completion in myGCC 1-2 days AFTER the workshop Expect to see completion in myGCC 1-2 days AFTER the workshop  

On the day of the workshop, you also get an email with workshop information as follows: 

For Canvas Workshops

  1. You will sign up for workshop in myGCC (see online schedule for start date) 2 HOURS BEFORE the workshop start time
  2. You will get a confirmation email to your GCC student email address with workshop information (date, time, and self-enroll link)
  3. On the start date of the workshop, 1 HOUR BEFORE THE WORKSHOP myGCC will send a welcome email with a self-enroll Canvas invitation to you
  4. You will  open the Canvas link to self-enroll and "Go the Course Dashboard"
  5. You will complete the content and activities during that week by 11:59pm PST exactly 1 week later
  6. The workshop ends and is closed in Canvas and the Librarian will notify the appropriate faculty/class via PeopleSoft
  7. You can see your workshop completion in myGCC 48-72 hours after workshop ends

For Zoom Workshops

  1. You will sign up for workshop in myGCC (see online schedule for start date) 2 HOURS BEFORE the workshop start time
  2. You will get a confirmation email to your GCC student email address with workshop information (date, time, and Zoom link)
  3. On the start date of the workshop, 1 HOUR BEFORE THE WORKSHOP myGCC will send a welcome email with the Zoom link to you
  4. You will  open Zoom link at the workshop start time
  5. You will complete the content and activities during a 1 hour Zoom session with an instructor
  6. The workshop ends and the Librarian will notify the appropriate faculty/class via PeopleSoft
  7. You can see your workshop completion in myGCC 48-72 hours after workshop ends

For In Person Workshops

  1. You will sign up for workshop in myGCC (see online schedule for start date) 2 HOURS BEFORE the workshop start time
  2. You will get a confirmation email to your GCC student email address with workshop information (date, time, and workshop location)
  3. On the start date of the workshop, 1 HOUR BEFORE THE WORKSHOP myGCC will send a welcome email with the classroom location to you
  4. You will go to the classroom location in person
  5. You will complete the content and activities during a 1 hour in person session with an instructor
  6. The workshop ends and the Librarian will notify the appropriate faculty/class via PeopleSoft
  7. You can see your workshop completion in myGCC 48-72 hours after workshop ends

For more information about library workshops including titles, descriptions, and how to sign up, go the Library Workshop website.


  • Last Updated Nov 19, 2024
  • Views 135
  • Answered By Adina

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