How do I drop a library workshop?

Login to myGCC and use Drop Workshop option.


You can drop a workshop anytime in myGCC:

  1. Sign into myGCC from the GCC website.
  2. Select the "Other Services" icon/box in the navigation options.
  3. In the Student Homepage menu on the left side, select "WorkShops".
  4. In the listing of possible workshop areas, select "Library Workshops".
  5. At the top of the page, you can see the workshop you signed up for. Select "Drop Workshop" to unenroll from the workshop.

drop workshop option in action column

6. Confirm that you want to drop the workshop by selecting "Yes". The workshop will disappear from your workshop schedule.

drop workshop link


  • Last Updated Apr 10, 2024
  • Views 16
  • Answered By Aisha

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